Posted in Books

Book Review: The Clockmaker, by Paromita Goswami

Supernatural or paranormal genre books usually bring, for me, the expectation of a tale that creeps me out. Horror is about feeling the chills, rather than being told about it. In a way, I think this book The Clockmaker by Paromita Goswami manages to do that.

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Posted in Books

Book Review: The Halloween Tree, by Ray Bradbury

I chanced upon this book while finding titles that fit into the categories of a reading challenge. I had heard of the author before, so it made me wonder if this book would be as good as his more “known” title.

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Posted in Books

Book Review: ABCs of Horror, by Anmol Rawat

I’ve read very few books in the genre of horror. But one aspect of the book that I feel makes a lot of difference is the ability of the author to get the reader to experience the scene, rather than just state it. That was what I was expecting when I took up Anmol’s collection of stories titled ABCs of Horror.

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