Posted in Musings

My Reading Challenges for 2020

I love reading challenges. They kind of help me focus on reading, and this year, there seems to be many new challenges. I can’t possibly do them all, but I’m trying a few nonetheless.

You can click on the badge on the left to know more about the challenges on their respective host websites/Insta accounts. I’m not having a TBR list for any challenge this year, my moods as influencing as the prompts in deciding which genres and books I will pick up.

20 in 20 Reading Challenge

Well, this is hosted by me this year. The challenge is simple. There are 20 prompts. You’ve to read 20 books for the year, fitting those prompts, 10 fiction and 10 non fiction, with no more than 1 non fiction and 1 fiction for any one prompt.

Goodreads Challenge 2020

I read a 102 books with a target of 100 books last year. This time, I’m slightly upping the ante by targeting 125 books and hoping I might be able to get there. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

BCBE 12.0 and 13.0

I’m co-admin for this challenge which happens in both the Goodreads group and the Facebook group. It offers 10 prompts to match books with. BCBE 12.0 happens between Jan and Apr 2020. BCBE 13.0 happens between Jul and Oct 2020.

Reading With Muffy 2020

Well, a handsome pooch Muffy and his beautiful mom Shalini R are hosting Reading with Muffy challenge. The challenge has 12 prompts (one each month) and a bonus 8 prompts (can be read anytime during the year). It sounds doable.

TBR Challenge 2020

Soumya and Shalini B team up for hosting this challenge, which has 20 prompts (mandatory) and a bonus 4 prompts (optional). The prompts are fun too so happy to be linking up with them again after I had fun with their Dec Book Love on Instagram last year.

Vinay Leo R.


Poetry and writing are to me, a breath of fresh air in a life that is sometimes covered by the smoke of sorrow or self doubt. They also become the sweets I share to celebrate when life offers me a reason to. But most of all, they are to me, my life. For each word I write is a piece of my heart, a thought that just had to find its way into the world.

6 thoughts on “My Reading Challenges for 2020

  1. I don’t do too well with “challenges”!! But, all of these look really good and if nothing else, I could pick up a few new authors! 🙂

    1. I don’t mind some challenges 🙂 It helps me find new authors, but in this year, I hope it helps me with reading books already on my shelf 😀

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